Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
Hello everyone!!I've been browsing the web lately, looking at travel forums cos that's my main interest in life, I'm mad about travel........just as well really seeing that I do it a lot and work in...
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**GASP** Another place to add to my 'gotta see this' list. Do you realize that if I visit 1 place from 'the list' every year, I'll need to live to be... um... 112 years old!!! Thanks for the website...
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Thaliarose... you need to increase your travel rate so you can visit more than 1 place a year! Sharon
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So 50 is the new 30?! Hooray! Best news I've had all week!And Jeff, where are you going stock-car racing?
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Believe it or not, I heard the "50 is the new 30" announcement on an early morning talk show while I was working out at the gym a few weeks back. I am all for it!-Sharon
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Hmmm.....'Heady 50's'?????????????? We started our family early so we're in our early (very early) Naughty 40's
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
thaliarose, dont forget 50 is the new 30, so by that scale you'll only be 67yrs, 20 wks and 6 days old.....SORTED!! Hmmm, driving on the wrong side of a Scottish country road is one thing, doing it in...
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
You can't use html in here.You need to use the image link [grey button] on the left.---------Why don't you think about starting a thread in the UK forum -- maybe 10 reasons to visit L-pool?
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
Quote:You can't use html in here.You need to use the image link [grey button] on the left.Thats exactly what I did MC ........as I have done many times.......used the "image" link to try post a pic...
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
Hmmmmmm... was the url correct?BTW it's a good idea to do "control - A" to highlight the text you have written and then "control - C" to copy it just before you hit the post button. Many tempers have...
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
Yup MC.....URL was fine.Like I say, have linked and posted pics and URL's many times on here, always worked ok. I just tried testing it by using that link I added for Swansea in the UK forum (which we...
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
Another late night/early morning visit ..... I'm growing fangs and developing a dislike of garlic, rather worrying lol.MarieClaude, am going to take up your suggestion about a post on the UK and Eire...
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YayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyHurrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ....working again!!!
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
Jeff, In that case I have just over eight years before I have to worry about my 'Nifty Fifties'
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It's said Lye-ver. The emblem of liverpool is the Liver Bird.It should really be a pair of hubcaps.
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
Lol @ you David....hub caps indeed!!Its a myth I tell you, started by all these UFO photo fakers who stole the hub caps to throw around and take snapshots of. They started the rumours first to cover...
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Incidentally - no one, absolutely no one, has the faintest idea how Liverpool came by it's name . DAVETRUFACT.
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
True David, there are dozens of theories about the origin of the name.Personally I think that a combination of TWO of the main theories makes most sense. In both of them the "pool" part refers to the...
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
Jeff - I may take you up on that offer re Liverpool advice at some point. Thanks. Yes, daughter is 17 tomorrow, a time of big choices and changes for her, like for your daughter too. And I hit the...
View ArticleRe: Hi from Liverpool and n/w UK
Hi again greenfrogfrolics Yup, bein' fifty is pretty nifty You're right about Ludlow, I love that town, spent a whole summer there once as a child.If theres anything at all I can help you with on the...
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